Harvard or McDonald's?

Harvard or McDonald’s seems like a ridiculous proposition, but it’s been my experience that these are the sorts of poor options given to some high-school students by their parents or teachers. I believe that a vast majority of students are capable of starting careers and following alternative paths to satisfying, well paying jobs that they enjoy. Apprenticeships are an excellent place to start looking if you don’t think college is for you, but there are also a lot of non-trades careers where employers prefer work experience and talent over education....

September 23, 2014 · Ryan Kempt

Cube World and the Last Few Years of Gaming

It’s been a while since I’ve been this excited to play a new game. I have become very familiar with the recycled game genres, and quite sick of them too. The MMORPG clones, all producing the same game play with a different title, stealing small parts from each other. The first-person shooters, each brings out slightly better graphics than the last, and a new set of weapons and maps. The real-time strategy games, which offer different units and buildings, and so on....

June 5, 2013 · Ryan Kempt

Opera Next isn't Opera... yet?

Back in Februrary, when Opera announced that they were going to start transitioning to WebKit, I assumed that this would allow them to heavily focus on being the web browser innovators they’ve always been. This was not very evident in their first WebKit-powered release. Below is a list of things I have found (in no particular order) that exist in Opera 12 but do not exist in Opera 15 (Opera Next)....

June 4, 2013 · Ryan Kempt

Windows 8.1 Isn't Fixing Anything

Today, Paul Thurrot confirmed that Windows 8.1 was going to bring back the Start button, boot to the desktop, and use your desktop wallpaper as the Start background too. Unfortunately, these do not fix (m)any of the user experience issues that have been brought up by a majority of the users. The Start button is slightly less than obsolete (we’re still clicking in the bottom left to bring up the Start screen, does it really matter if a button is there or if an icon shows up when our cursor is in the bottom left)?...

May 30, 2013 · Ryan Kempt